Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's funny

It's funny how when you were younger something so little could amouse you for so long, but then you group older and things don't amouse you as much and you grow out of them and go into the next stage of your life. It's funny how when you were little you thought you invited something new but really it had already been invited and then your all mad because it was already made. It's funny how when you grow older you don't notice all those things that made you so happy when you were little. It's funy how everything is never the same and everything keeps changing even though you usually are dying it for it to stay the same. It's funny how you want to remember thst one Memorie forever. To freeze time and live in that moment. It's funny how when you were little you always wanted to be big and now that your big you want to go back and actually enjoy the time when you ere little instead of wasting it on trying to big bigger and better than you were. I was watching this little girl today. She was the curtesy thing ever! her hair was so sort and she was so innocent. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said I wanna go paint. So we went into her room and started painting. She painted snacks and lines and I remember when I used to do that. I asked her what she wanted me to paint and she said a owl. So I painted an owl or what I thought was an owl tell I finished and it looked like a mix between a dog and a bird. Later that say we played with this top and it spun ans she could never get it to spin beucase it kept tipping over . But she just kept trying and finally she hot it. she was so amouse with it she played with it for like half an hour. She was super shy around our friends who was helping us paint there house.becusse they were guys and when my friend asked if he could go into esmays room She said no . And I knew exacly why. she found the littlest thing and she made them into something to play with and something cool. And she is only 3 years Old. when she painted she saw something big an pretty and when I tooled at it all I saw was lines but she knows that it looks good and she can see past lines.

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