Sunday, March 6, 2011

So stand on the edge with me, hold back your fear and see nothing is teal tell it's gone.
I loved you once I loved you still I always have I always will. Just do it
in every childhood there is someone we can't forget, in every heart there's a way to get can one step away from you be one step in the wrong direction. What happened? You wished yourself away. Your live is ending in one minute so make it worth your while. Every night you fall to pieces knowing you cant save yourself. maybe none of is understand what we've been though or have enough time. Don't be afraid of death , be afraid of the unlived life. This is who you ate this is what you where meant to do. He swears he loved you.and u i i dont want tge world to see me cause i dont thnil that theyed understand and when everything made to be broken i just want you to know who i am.a life you dont live is still lost.this is your life this is your future only you can change it only you can try and have to fail before you can suceed. Who do you think you are.before you knew christ you were dead. I'd rather be hates for who I am than loved for who I am not. Thus ident real it's just all you can feel. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Change was in the air it was only a matter of time.

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