Thursday, March 10, 2011


Your lungs burn so much you can barley breathe, your heart is pounding so hard you think you can can hear it.  your face is so red and hot. You think just a little further than you can stop. But you don't you trick your mind. You legs start to hurt. You can feel the heat from your checks without even touching then. All you can hear is your music besides your breathe which you are gasping for In big your head your thinking your gonna die. But you don't you tell yourself a little bit further you try not to think about how much further you really have to go and how much your legs and lungs burn. Your almost there just up the hill you think. You are gasping for air now trying, your lungs burn more than ever. You finally show down and stop you made it! You head hurts you feel as if it might explode. Your vision is blurry and you try to see. Once your lungs stop burning you run all the way back. The feeling is so awesome. You say your never going to do that again but you do . You can't help yourself. 

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