Thursday, March 10, 2011

theres nothing like a almost perfect day . i woke up this morning and i got ready for school i did 10 push up and 10 sit ups then i  went down stairs and ate some pancakes for breafast then went to school. In first hour i finally got how to do my math thanks to my friend! In 4th hour we had a big power point thing we had to do which we had to present to the whole class. but it wasent that bad at all i got up there and i did aswome. then in 5th hour we got to listen to music\ text it was fun! and then at the end of the day we got our scheduals for our last trimester!!! When i got home from school i madee smoothie it was delious then i went on a run and it felt so good to run. its sorta warm out finally. And then i did my home work. maybe its not your almost perfect day but for me it is. i finally know what i want to be and i finally know who i am. its like everything is finally coming together. I dont really care what people think of me, i used to a lot but i dont really any more.I used to get super jeliuos if one of my friends would hangout with another friend and not me. But i dont really mind because i know who my friends are now, and who are just saying they are and who are not.

1 comment:

SkySky said...

That's really cool! And even if someone says that your day doesn't sound great, you still know that it was an awesome day for you!