Thursday, February 24, 2011

There comes a point is everyones lives when they have to realize who they are. Who really matters and who you thought would be your friend forever but in the end they get to caught up in other things and other people to want to hang out with you and they forget about you. And the People who will always matter and be there for you. Some people it makes them a while to realize it. Others they never do. Sometimes before you know it the people you thought would always be there are gone. And you think to yourself how did that happen? Some people just don't care, they go around saying everyone is special and everyone is there best friend. But bewar don't always believe them, beucase then you don't have to hurt when they go and say that to someone else. sometimes you think you have found the best friend and you think you will be friend forever. But forever is so long and best friend only last as long as one another have things in common and talk to eacher. And once that's gone your not best friend you just know the person and the person knows you. People will almost believe anything that other people will say. but I have some advice for you. It will save you alot of hurt and alot of drama if you just don't Believe them.There comes a point in your life when you have the choice to believe them or not. But if you do Or not well that's your decision.

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