Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm zoe lauren.
Im not skinny because I like to eat
Im not as pretty as a model  because I dont do plastic sergy
Im not tan because I dont want to get skin cancer
I make things pretty because thats what I do
I wished I was older than I am, now that im older all I want
to do is go back.
Lady of the Dancing Water - Page 1 of 7
Just me, no one else
I make mistakes because if I didnt I would never learn

Piccsy :: Image Bookmarking :: Recent posts
I wish because if I didnt I woulden't have anything to try for

Over The Bridge
I believe because someone has too
Beauty Paradise
I dream because sometimes reality sucks
Baby, I was born this way.
Радикал-Фото :: Обработка изображений
I mess up sometimes becuase Im only human
Just me, no one else
I am just a girl Im not perfect because if I was i would be just like everyone else,
who is trying to be perfect too.
I love because if  I didnt I woulden't have a heart
Just Essential
I am different because Im not like you
and Im okay with that
Everything Inspiring..
I am not like you because Im me
there's more to it than just pretty colors :)
I fear because sometimes I get scared
I get scared because I dont want fail
MGC. | Flickr - Fotosharing!
I am mean because sometimes I lose my tempor,
I lose my tempor and sometimes yell  because I get mad.
but I am not a bitch

Fuckin Perfect
I cry because I  have a heart

Pixdaus: Popular Today Pics - Penny or Smile picture on VisualizeUs
I am sorry because I care
I care because thats just who I am
Like death on a stick
I have fun because I dont want to be bored
Le Love
I try to hard so that people will like me
I wear to much makeup because it makes me feel pretty
I try to impress you so that you will notice me
@дневники — The Forgotten Garden
Let it burn!
dont be afraid of death be afriaf of the unlived life
be happy for this moment this moment is your life
Kaleidoscope Eyes
let the moment take your breathe away
the truth is life will through a lot of stuff at you
but you just have to get up and keep going.
Schon die 6 Weltherrschaftspläne von Katy&Chrissi♥ - element girls - element girls - Forum - Die Elemente - Treffpunkt
I lie because I try to make myself more intresting

stop think - jenny quach is legit.
I try because I dont want to fail
Chances Are
Chances Are
you feel like hes not here you feel like hes not helping you
but he is you just have to stop and look.
Whisk Kid: Make - {Raspberry Ice Cream}
I  hurt you because I was stupid
I tried because I wanted to make it right
 and im sorry.....

vision wonderland.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hold Your Colours Against The Walls
smiling  when your close to tears.

slow down to earth

well ive been afriad of changing cause i build my life around you
but time makings older and children get older and im getting older too
so take this love and take it down

i'm in love with what we are
you just gotta keep screaming tell they here you out

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Add caption

man theses times are hard but were gonna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wine
sit talking up all night
saying things we havent for a while

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just because you lie docent mean you have to keep lying. Just because I did the right thing doesn't mean you have to stop being my friends. Just because you make a mistake doesn't mean you can't fix it. Just because your smarter than me doesn't mean you have to brag about it. Just because we went our separate ways doesn't mean we can't still be friends. Just because it's wrong doesn't make it right. Just because your sad doesn't mean you can't be happy. Just because things are different doesn't mean you have to stop caring. Just because it's dark doesn't mean it will always be. Just because your innocent doesn't mean you will always will be. Just because this is your way doesn't mean it's mine. Just because this world is broken doesn't mean it's broke. Just because you failed doesn't mean you didn't try. Just because you don't want to remember doesn't mean you have to forget the memories too.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Your lungs burn so much you can barley breathe, your heart is pounding so hard you think you can can hear it.  your face is so red and hot. You think just a little further than you can stop. But you don't you trick your mind. You legs start to hurt. You can feel the heat from your checks without even touching then. All you can hear is your music besides your breathe which you are gasping for In big your head your thinking your gonna die. But you don't you tell yourself a little bit further you try not to think about how much further you really have to go and how much your legs and lungs burn. Your almost there just up the hill you think. You are gasping for air now trying, your lungs burn more than ever. You finally show down and stop you made it! You head hurts you feel as if it might explode. Your vision is blurry and you try to see. Once your lungs stop burning you run all the way back. The feeling is so awesome. You say your never going to do that again but you do . You can't help yourself. 
theres nothing like a almost perfect day . i woke up this morning and i got ready for school i did 10 push up and 10 sit ups then i  went down stairs and ate some pancakes for breafast then went to school. In first hour i finally got how to do my math thanks to my friend! In 4th hour we had a big power point thing we had to do which we had to present to the whole class. but it wasent that bad at all i got up there and i did aswome. then in 5th hour we got to listen to music\ text it was fun! and then at the end of the day we got our scheduals for our last trimester!!! When i got home from school i madee smoothie it was delious then i went on a run and it felt so good to run. its sorta warm out finally. And then i did my home work. maybe its not your almost perfect day but for me it is. i finally know what i want to be and i finally know who i am. its like everything is finally coming together. I dont really care what people think of me, i used to a lot but i dont really any more.I used to get super jeliuos if one of my friends would hangout with another friend and not me. But i dont really mind because i know who my friends are now, and who are just saying they are and who are not.

Monday, March 7, 2011

your using your head phones to drowned out your mind
it was so easy and the words so sweet

things come and go just as seasons change and grow.

sometimes you just gotta do the right thing even though you know it can hurt someone in the end they will understand. sometimes we dont get why people who things we think its a stupid reason and we dont listen to them but later we go back and we think they were right all along. but we just didnt want to admitte that so we go ahead and act like they were wrong even though we know they were right. we act like theses things we do are okay and they will not hurt anyone. but before we do things we should think before becuase in the end it could save us a lot of time and mabye even hurt.

sometimes you just need to have some fun
just lay there and breathe it all in
its so beatiful but you know it will not last
best friends are forver
sometimes i feel as though i can fly
you got one life, so dont let the moment pass you by
so stand on the edge with me hold back your fear and see
nothing is real tells its gone

never look back

without love you are nothing