Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sometimes I wonder how the little things in life can be so hard, like when you have to make a decision like to go over to a friends house or go to a naborhood cook out. These little decisions can impact you a lot, you just don't relize it until it has done it's damage, or it's good. Sometimes we get to into the big decisions that we forget that the little decisions are even there. It's jut like you see the little picture of things in your life, but what you don't see if what your missing the big picture of you, of your life. You see the little picture of you and how these decisions will affect you know buy you don't see how they will affect you later. You see the little picture of your life but someone else see's a bigger picture, the truth is you are just a part of a picture just a piece of the puzzle if you would like to say., and everyone is a puzzle, but when all the pieces come together it make the puzzle complete. It's just the same with you and the role you play in your life. You don't see the little things only the big things, you only see your little picture not the big picture.

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