Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Life is hard to explain, just as you think you have it figured out it changes and you want something different, you want to Change to be like everyone else, you want new things better things you want perfect hair and you want to be pretty and not ugly you want nicer for expensive clothes you want a boyfriend or girl friend you want everyone to love you, you want more and more and pretty soon life is not good enough for you. You feel like you are smarter and better than you where before. But the truth is we have all wanted these things before we have all been though this all before, but we just keep doing it and doing it because that's how we are that's the way we think. We want everything to be more perfect we want better friend we want to loss weight, we want all these things and yet we can't even seem to look around for even a moment and relize that other people in other countries are starving and here we are one of the most over weight states. They have nothing and here we are wanting more and more and sooner or later we have to wake up and look around and see this.
I thought i new what I wanted to do with my life I thought I had the neatest friend in the whole world and we would be friends forever I wanted so much and I seaside to relize that I was trying to compare myself to the rest of the world to see what they wanted and what they thought of Me. So I changed myself for others for what they wanted not what I wanted. I had thought that I had such a good friend and then something happened. she changed she wanted more and more she got smarter and she did her hair all pretty and she started to care so much about her that she sorta forgot to think to ask about how someone was doing, she started to care about how she looked and about what people thought of her. and I found myself thinking what made us friends in the first place? I didn't know her I knew her but so much had changed I had forgotten why we had became friends in the first place. But I remember why and I can barley remember because she has changed. It's not her fault and it's not my fault it just happens. I still love her to death just the way she is, but everything is not the same and in a way that's just fine. but other times I just want her to be back but that's just the way it works, things come and go , people change so you can learn how to let go, things go wrong so you can appereate them when they are right, you believe lies so evenally you trust no one but yourself, and sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall together

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