Thursday, May 26, 2011


why is it that we always dint notice the people around us? Why is it that we play stupid games that could kill us? Why is it that we want so much to fit In we forget about the things that really matter? How come we are okay with being mean to someone but when they are crying we are nice even if we don't like them? How come people can go and kill the sled with out even thinking about how the outcome will effect everyone and not just them? how come we ate okay will drinking and smoking but when it comes down to life we don't really care? How come we don't notice stuff until its too late? Why it is that we never talk to anyone other than our friends? Why is it so easy for some people to put a knife to there arm and say it's okay? Why is it so easy to be nice to someone well they are crying? Why is it that so many people take their own life's? Why is it so many people think there is no other way out?

the last few days I have been hearing about this girl. The rumor was she either hung herself with a belt or she was playing a choking game at a party and her friends forgot about her. Her dad found her on the ground and they took her to the hospital she has been in accoma for the last 3 days, yesterday I heard she died then I heard she didn't. But thoses are all just rumors. And them today we got a letter saying that she was donating her organs well her parents were. They decided to poll the plug because she had been On life support for a long time and there was like no chance. she was only in 7th grade! Now what is wrong with that!!! why is this world so bad that people are killing themselfs left and right. at lunch today this girl and this other girl were talking and they got in an argument over what happened to her my friend said that she played the choking game and this other girl said she hung herself. my friend said there is always a reason why someone does something. And the other girl said no she could have gist done it cause. And my friend said no trust me there is always a reason why they want to take there own life. I would now I had 2 people in my family do that she said. everyone today was crying. I found out that she was in my gym class and I saw her like everyday, but never said hi she was very nice and a happy girl at school, and just think I could have talked to get before she died if I just would have said hi. It's amazing how someone can be here one minute and the next theyre gone. Three people have dies well look there own life's in the last two months. one fr maple grove one from osseo and one from Rogers. And there are more. What was so horrible that they took theyre own lives?

I didn't know you that well but I knew you were a nice girl and Alot of people knew you, you were very pretty and you were always happy at school you liked sparkles. You will be missed greatly by everyone. If you could see everyone now you would be suprised about how many people cryed and are still cryibg for you, and how many people put sparkles all over them just for you(: But I know you are probably in a better place. may you rest in peace paige klick.

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