Sunday, June 5, 2011


1.Who's your best friend? Mackenzie
2.whats your favorite tv show? chuck
3.What's your favorite color? Sky blue or lime green
4.who do you most look up too?God
5.What's your favorite movies? Prom,my dog skip,the notebook
6.what's your favorite books?life as we knew it,the westing game,the summer I turned pretty
7.when you first meet someone what do you look at? Their personality
8.what do you want In a guy? Someones who's funny,cute,nice,believes in God, goes to church,is not a jerk, is sweet,
9.what Do you wanna be whenyou grow older? A (art)teacher
10.what Do you like most about myself? My eyes
11.what's your height? 5'4
12.what's the scariest thing you have ever done? hmmm I don't know...
13. What age do you get mistaken for? 15
14.whats your favorite store to shop at? Target,wet seal, marshals
15.whens the last time you have really smiled? Last night
16.what's the cutest thing a guy has ever said to you and meant it? good night sweet dreams<3 miss you,
17.whats your shoe size? 8 and a Half 9
18.what's your favorite animal? Mm... A dog or a seal
19.what is your favorite quotes? just do it every danm day,a persons a person no matter how small, the worlds just the same there's just less in it, don't be afraid of death:be afraid of the unlived life,you don't have to life forever you just have to live, even the smallest person can change the coarse of the future, if you don't live for s you will die for something
20.what is a fact about your personality? I'm really cool and crazy
21.who's someone you miss? my friends in california
22.what's your favorite singer? Regina spektor
23.what's your favorite band? Mumford and sons or reliant k
24.what's your favorite song? Mmmh... I have too many maybe what's my name by Jra
25.what's is one of your favorite restaurants? subway or 5 guys burgers ans fries
26.what do you most hate about school? Test and finals
27.what is one thing no one knows are me? I still really like Winnie the pooh
28.what sport are you most good at? gymnastics
29.what are you most bad at in school? Science or math
30.where do you want to live? I don't really know..(:
31. what's the nicest thing anyone has said to you? your super pretty, good morning sunshine