Friday, May 13, 2011

it's time to let go.. Let go of all the pain and hurt and be done with it. Start over or again. Make what was once broken and heal it. Make once was wrong right. Try to fix things even If you think it will not do any good. Try your very best to succeed. Make once was broken right.

I'm laying here in my bed it's 11:19 and I can't sleep. I have school tomorrow and right now
My room is way to hot that's why I can't sleep because someone took the fan):

Let go. Pray for those who prosecute you for my sake. What ever you do to the least of theses you are doing to me. This means that I will never flood the earth again. and there way day and there was night. who ever belives in god shall not Parrish but have eternal life. For I am with you always. you cannot hide because I see all, the good and the bad. You are my shepored I shall not want you make me lay down into green pastors you restore my soul. Even though I walk though the valley of death. I fear no evil for my rode and my staff comfort me. he will lay down his life for his sheep. Just ad I layed downy life for a friend. So know that u am dying for you. I am dying so you dint have too. Father forgive them they know not what they do. It is finished.

Well it is now 11:34 and I still can't sleep. Anyways Thats what was going though my head so I decided to write it down for you all to read. Kay bye

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