Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's almost over, and yet it seems like it's just began. I don't want it to go, no one does. But it always comes back. Peope act different in summer they are themselves. In summer people get hurt and love and are just plain and simply happy. And then in one momment it's school and everyone goes back to who they where before. In the summer there is a space where you can see right through time to where everyone different.

Summertime, the sweet taste of watermelon dripping down your mouth. The ocean water spraying mist in your face the taste on salt in your mouth. The feeling that you are free no worries just you and the world you live in, and everything is exactly like it's supposed to be and for those sweet times you are just who you are and your just you.

can you stop and enjoy the ride?<3

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