Tuesday, August 23, 2011


People say they will not group but, but they do. They say they would never be a prepy person at school,they say they will never group to too fast...

But all that changes when you grow up,you start to wear makeup and start to think that your clothes is not good enough, so you go and get better clothes just for other people. you start changing and pretty soon you look in the morrior and you are someone totally differen. With all your makeup and hair and all your cute clothes, your not yourself. You have become "normal"

I've changed and not in the best ways I had my birthday on the 21 and I turned 15... I'm old enough to get a jod. And I look back and see all the things I wish I could have made slow down. I look at myself and see someone who is trying so hard to fit in, to be "normal" that they change, they become just like everyone else and pretty soon they are.

I was looking at pictures of me when I was younger just last year I was HAPPY and carefree and now I'm trying to be someone im not. And the thing is it's so natural for me to just change. That I don't even know I've changed so much until it's too late and I can't stop it.

I have been trying to read the bible and trying to pray more and think about god everyday and not just when I need him, but the thing is it doesent work, I forget about him until I acaully need him.

I think thats what change is, it's where you are yourself one day and different the next. It's not always bad it can be good too. But change is hard and complicated. But everyone changes and everyone is different. But just don't forget that you don't have to change for anyone, you can be yourself and by being your self people will like you for you.

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