Friday, April 29, 2011

my life

My life is like a rollercoaster one day its amazing the next its bad. I come home some days to people fighting other days I come home to you forgot to do your chorse, while other days its just normal. My life is complicated.... Somedays all I wanna do is curl up in a ball and hide from the world. School is stressful and hard trying to get good grades ALL the time while still trying to make your parents happy and make you have to wake up and put on your mask and then go to school and change your mask. see everyone has a mask.

But I just dont want to be anyone
over the years of growing up i have learned some very important thins one is not to lie because once you start you cant stop and even when you do some people still think your lying. two never jugde people if you have never met them because once you do and they are nothing like you expected you will feel sorry. three
never be someone your not this world is "fake" the magizenes you arent real people really arent that skinny you see they edit out all the imporfections all the flaws that make you well you. You see they do this so that you will try to become better to become more perfect and the truth is thats just what they want. its all about advertising and publicity.They change you into thinking that your not pretty enough and that you need to change they say you need better skin cause you have some minor flaws on your face or your not skinny enough you need to be annerexic and not eat.
but i have something to say to you. you dont have to listen to them. EVERYONE has a choice no matter what you have a choice to lsiten or to drowned out the voices, to stop or yo go, to live or to die. 

I've been living in my own little world where everything to me is well perfect becuase well its your little world and in your world nothing can hurt you. I wake up one day and relized I have been living a lie,And at that moment i opened my eyes and relized that everyone is fighting there own war. I sometimes pretend that im tough and that nothing can hurt me but you know under that im hurting and all I want is for someone to stop and ask whats wrong? But if you ask me I say Im fine because i dont want anyone to see that i hurt to see me... with no makeup on without a mask on Me compromised Me not skinny as model me and all my freckes me well me.... I've been trying so hard to fit in that i forgot about everything else that makes lifes moments the little ones and the big ones. I have been trying to please my parents make them proud of me because thats what every kid wants is for there parents love and approvel. But sometimes you have to stop and think am I doing this for me or for them? sometimes all you need to do is step back and let go..... let go of all the crap and shit in your life and just bring it all to God. now i know you are thinking wow that sounds lame and god i belive in God but really do you or are you just saying that? I belive in God i believe that he died on the cross for my sins and for ALL our sins. He died on the cross so WE didnt have to! we would all be on a cross wiped and beated but he did for us. Jesus said before he did "God forgive them they know not what they do". If you think about it he is saying that we dont know what we are doing and we need his help. he also said "I will lay down my life for my sheep i will lay down my life for my friends and remember that I am dying for you" I also say that I will read the bible but then I don't because I am to "busy" too. I pray when I need gods help and when i go to bed otherwise i dont think about him. But I should I should think about him everyday and not just when I need his help. Jesus was a human he went though everything we did he wasen't perfect he had acne he was beaten,bruised and he was hurt. He had to find a jod just like us, he had to go to hell and he after 3 days I think it was of torture and tare by the devil he went to heaven. so if you think that hes not like us and he cant relate to us he can!! He is here all you have to do is pray and look up and know that he is watching over you.

my life is not perfect no one is. we all have our own problems. so before you go around and jugde people stop because everyone is fighting their own war.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

un hee | Flickr – Compartilhamento de fotos!
I like collecting stuff and I keep it because people give it to be
but I found that its not about the gift its about the love that was
put ito it. Even if its goes the memory is still there.
I look out the window and think how lucky I am to have so much
when other people have nothing. I see what other people
miss I look and dont see a person I see
a person who matters  has a name and has a story of there own.
I look and see what I could have done different.
this is me and Im not changing for you or anyone else because Im
sick of trying to act like someone Im not beucase
in all of this ive found out Im me
not anyone else.
cute things. - grayskymorning: by emilygolitzin
close your eyes take a step and pray to God you will get there
famess - 145. strona bloga dostępnego pod adresem
sometimes you need to forget about all the things that
are telling you,you shouldent and
just go out and do it.
Realidade dói né?

they made a statue of us and put it on a moutain top

in my own view
sometimes you just have to go and curl up in a corner
and read because the books are more real than time.

I am crazy to the outside world. I go outside when its 20* and
just have fun. I am superman with a criptenight.
I still like whinny the pooh so yeah im still a little kid at
heart.  I stay up with my friends and laugh and talk trip and fall.
put face masks on that make me look like a zombie.
sleep outside under the stars and get eaten
by masquetoes. go conewing and fall in.
 to the outside world in crazy but to me
this is my life and Im living it.

Our laugh is like a song(8)

DSC_1653 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
summers coming so get ready for the fun  joy  hurt
love friendship  and everything else summer brings <3

i'm fifteen not five.
 * cityglam ♥ Live Love Blog

Chains&whips excite me

Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams
VK | Bilder

because, I love you.

39/365: u r beautiful... on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Livin Loud, the third.

Keep The Faith | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
even when you feel like hes not here.
even when it gets hard.


edit_madebyysiri | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

VK | Bilder

J'adore Chánel

VK | Bilder

[i]Jet[/i] <3 - Hyves



Likes | Tumblr
When All That's Left Is You.

Likes Tumblr picture on VisualizeUs
there is a lot we havent discoved yet
and I wanna be the first to discover something new.

your strongger than you think. faster than you seem.
God loves you and is always here even when the odds say no.
he thinkd of you everyday and is rimnding you to do the right thing
so before you go and mess up STOP think and just take a
moment to breathe and remeber he is always here.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

super tão legal pow!
everyone needs some color in there life

super tão legal pow!
if you look at this world you will find something different
every time you see it

super tão legal pow!
some day im gonna walk on the moon


Je t'aime
be yourself dont be something your not, because it is said better
to be hated for who you are then
loved for who you are not

the "real" to do list - Polyvore

oh, so indie ♥
oh, so indie ♥

Dreams Can Come True If We Have Courage To Pursue Them |
Neni-4 | Blog | KWICK! Communityheylifewhatsup | Blog | KWICK! Community

the second twenty seven of winter.