Wednesday, July 28, 2010

missions trip

The missions trip was... it was amazing and epic. i will never forget that. the first day we got there we were really exited and nurevous but then we just got used to it. we had so much free time and we would take lots and lots of pictures the car ride was wow sweet we all like were singing and dancing and playing Kesha i still have her dongs stuck in my head. i met alot of new friends and got tot know my friends better. clud was so much fun the first day i hit a bad note and me and bekah just started laughing and we could not stop. the missions work was really fun to we worked at a thift store sorting clothes and we went to a hard wear store and helped theere we also went to a nurseing home and played cards with the people there. on the second to last day we got our feel washed, it was so... we all started crying and it was so good to cry for once in a long time. we went to mount rushmore! and saw a Indean dance witch we jonded in on. when we had to go it was very very sad! we like almost started crying and it was very hard to go. it felt like we had just got there by the end of the week and we had just started helping people and getiing to know god and ourselves better. i will never ever forget that place or my friends or what i have learned there. at clud mari talked to us about alot of stuff homeless peoplr bible verses and all of it i got and i acually unbderstud and got what it ment. it was so unforgetible and live changeing.

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