Friday, September 9, 2011

High school

Its only the first week and I already have to present 3 projects.. Which let me tell you I suck at doing. Standing infront of the class and talking is not my cup of tea, I get all nervous and forget what I'm going to say and my face gets really red too. But I guess I just have to get over that fear sonetime, and hopefully that sonetime is soon.

Math Is nit hard so far but that's just because it's only the first week,,I'm not the best at math by any means.

In us history we are learning about like these people who where alive when the ice age was and that had different grows all over the world and they came here my boat and island to island and by aomething else but I forgot. Anyways I totally do not believe in that at all and that is what is coming up on the test next week and it's hard for me to learn about something when the whole time in the back of my head I'm saying but I don't believe in that.

I have jewelry class, it's SO much fun but so hard! I'm making a bracelet and the wiring for the bracelet is silver and I'm also making a ring in thaT class but we havent started that yet

One of my teachers says that everything we will learn in his class we will use and we will not just " memorize stuff we will learn it he doesent want to see how much we can memorize . He wants to see how much we acaully know. Bill gates said in his 1 way of life, said "life is not far so get used to it."

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