Sunday, July 24, 2011

No one is perfect everyone is fighting there own battle, don't forget that.
There will be hard times and good times
But always remember it will be okay. You can tell everything to god and he will help you it may not seem like he is but trust me he's here you just have to take the time to talk to him and he is listening to every word you say and he cares soo much hand he loves you and he would never hurt you ever! It said that a thousand pains would NEVER compare to the life you have in heaven. Remember that. Never forget it. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. Even when everything seems like it's falling to the ground it will be play. Take your pain to him and he will heal it, he will give you rest. If you ignore the pain and don't so anything about it. It will still be there but it you bring it to god he can make the pain less and less. He wants to help!!!! You just have to let him.... And he does his part and you have to do yours. Remember god died on the cross for YOUR sins so YOU didn't have too.(:

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