Friday, September 24, 2010

what if?

What if you would fly? what if people dint jugde you, about your clothes or how old you were?

what if the world was perfect no pollution no hurting no fear no war no hunger or poverty?

what if their was no worries? what if you could have all the money in the world or be poor but be happy, happy for what you have.

what if you dint have to hurt to feel? what if you could be free? whatif their was no war?

 what if you were best friends? what if you were you?

their are alot of worlds that start with what if. what if? you come a cross a broken world and you say what if this world was not broken? 
what if??

its just a word it cant fix anything. it can only make you feel like the world is okay. that everything is okay. what if.... its nothing more nothing less just a simple word.

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