Sunday, May 23, 2010


the human life is made up of choices, yes or no in or out, up or down.
And then there are the choices that matter to love or to hate,to be a hero or a coward.
to fight or to give in. to live or to die. live is made up of choices, live or die, thats the impartant choice.
and its not always in our hands.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trippin out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fell down
 I fell down

I'm freaking out, where am I now?
Upside down and I can't stop it now
Can't stop me now

I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry

I found myself in Wonderland
Get back on my feet, on the ground
Is this real?
Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand until the end

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


the sun its make you happy for once. once in a long time it makes you smile, and you start to think about everything, everything that you have done wrong everything that you dont know what to do about. I know that I have bin hidding in my shell and trying to act like everthing is ok and act that my life is fine, and that I am perfectly happy, but I have relized that I am not happy and I know that I have bin lieing to myself, for so long that I have just started beliveing  myself, but in my heart i know I am wrong.  I was trying to procted myself by acting like I am ok, but you know I relized that  by lieing to myself I was hurting myself way more than I  was acualy proteting myself. I have dug  myself a hole so big that I can't even get out of it. But you know what I have learn?? i  have learn that you cant lie to yourself because it hurts you more that it hepls you. and you can't keep doing that because you cant lie to yourself forever
I have bin hanging out with people that aren't so good, and they have rubbed off on me,and school is just the same you have to
be careful of who you chose as friends. or it could end up in a mess like it usealy does at my school.there is so much drama and so much of everthing, its like people dont have to be that way but they chose to be. bacause everyone has a choice.

  now Iam sort of going on and on but thats ok. you always have a chocie in life good or bad you have one. my friends have helped me though everything, anf like once I had a friend sense like 5th grade who went to my church and so ingored for 2 mouths. 
she was my best friend but she is not my best friend now, beucase of her CHOICE of not talking to me. thats like the worste thing you can do to someone is not talk to them! I know I have change and I know I could have done things better and changed things.
 but you cant. I thought I was alone, but know I  know I am not, I will NEVER be.Beucause I have god.  for a time i thought he was gone, but he was never really gone I was just not looking for him hard anuff.  you have to try to want something you cant just expext you to get it, you have to work ofr it, you have to try, And I think people forget to try and forget that they have a chice in life a choice to hang out with the "cool" people or hang out  with someone new.
To not swaer or to swear. I know that their is going to be hard times in my life and I know I might make the wrong choice but thats how you learn, and I am tired of living a lie. I just want to wake up and start living and not covering up what i am feeling.I am so tiredof trying to hide and I just cant do it anymore. I will not do I anymore, not more lies not more fears. Because i know i will be ok and i will that I can wake up in the morning and not have a lie. I can be myself. I can start LIVING my life. my REAL life!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Tears of pain, tears of hurt, tears of anger. she runs alone her breathe comes in drags. tears running down her checks tell they drop to the ground. she runs because its the only way to get out, out of all this fighting out of all this mess.Tears plur her vison, she blinks, they slide down her face and fall, never seeming to stop, until they smash into the ground and become no more.
fast and faster she runs, she can hear her haert pounding,but shs donsen't stop instead she keeps running.  her feet gide her down allies and into muddie roads, the rain poring onto her skin, her clothes cling to her like a baby, damp and muddie. she runs she doesen't know were she is gonig or who she had become. she runs alone tears streaming down her face. she is alone to this world and everthing in it. she runs faster and faster, and ever looks back tears running down her face. her eyes red from crying. she turns and see's the city she's never known. she runs and never returns

Friday, May 7, 2010

be happy for this momment
this momment is your life

all over

just when you think its all over.
it all comes back to you,
and you remember......