Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Im sitting here watching the kim possible on the tv, i havent seen that show in a lnog time. i am tired and i can barly think. i have to leave today, its 1:33 am. right know. you ask my why i am staying up?? beucase i have to get up anyway at 2:30 and its so hard for me to get up anyway so i am staying up.so i am writting to keep myself  awake i have had a great week in california we went to santa monica peir and we swam in uncle stan and anutie annette's pool. we went to disneyland with the Acuna's we also went to huntington beach and we met our friends there.we had a donefire and ate marshmellows. we went shopping at the brea mall.And had this really really good frozen yogert at this place called pinkberry! :) well we were at santa montica peir we went on a farice wheel, well we where on it there was an earthquake we where all freaking out and we were like at the very top of the farice wheel for like 10 minutes. they had to go and make sure that everything was alright underneth the ride. we finally got down from the farice wheel, and everything went back to how it was.
we saw toy story 3 and it was such a good funny movie.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


i dont wanna wake up anymore becuase when i wake up i know that i have to leave. leave my dream
and come down to earth. dreams aren't just dreams they are a way to get out of the "real world", and to enter  a totaly different world, a fantasy world were you know you are going to be alright and a word where all your tears and frusteration just melts away like hunny, but i know i can't stay in my world forever and that i have to wake up and face the truth about everying.And its so easy to get lost in my dreams that i dont really know how hard the really world is til you live it, and find out that your dreams are way better........ until you have a wake up and face the truth you live in a real world and one day when you wake up its not gonig to be what you thought it was, and thats when you relize even if you are not ok you will be, and that no matter what you know you are loved.